Scratch Programs

Star Sweeper 10/1/2018

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Use your mouse cursor to guide your spaceship around the solar system
collecting energy-stars, and return to your home planet before the time runs out.
What's the catch? There is no timer!!

Instead a buzzer will periodically chirp to mark the passage of time. The buzzer
gradually slows down. After a random number of chirps, it stops. If you haven't
made it back to the planet you'll lose all of your points, GAME OVER!

Returning to the planet also ends the game. When this happens, you are allowed to
keep your points, but any left over time on the clock is lost.

How high can you go? Will you run out of time? Will your nerves get the better
of you? You have to play to find out.


Energy-stars that are farther from the planet are worth more points.
Collect them at your own peril!

You have a few seconds to blast off from the planet. Afterwards, steer clear
until your ready to cash in and end the round.

Energy-stars are shy. They won't reappear after collection until you leave the area.

Press the space bar to reset the high score.

Traverse 10/2/2018

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Write a script that can move a ball independently through the “field of rectangles.”
The ball may ONLY move forward or up/down.

Bubble Blaster 10/4/2018

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Bubble Blaster is an Asteroids-style arcade game. It features a wraparound screen
(objects can cross any edge and reappear on the opposite side) and supports both
WASD and 10-key controls.


1) Fly around in your rocket.
2) Pop bubbles.
3) Collect hearts.
4) Try not to blow up.


W/8 - forward thrusters
S/2 - rear thrusters
A/4 - left
D/6 - right
SPACE/0 - blaster
E/5 - toggle deceleration
P - reset high score


Hearts restore shields, up to a max of 100.

Your lasers can damage your shields, so be careful.

Bubbles speed up over time.

If you're going too fast, hit E or 5 to toggle deceleration and coast to a stop.

Large bubbles sometimes send off smaller bubbles when popped. These speedy, little guys are
worth extra points if popped with your laser, but they pop on their own after a short time.